Blogosphere Manifesto

July 19, 2006

It is not my intent to write a blog again.

Correction: It was not my intent to write a blog again.

It was not my intent to publish my life for the masses, nor to hop onto the bandwagon of the “newest, best” mode of mass communication. Now, I’m fully aware that my “hopping on the bandwagon” is already about 4 years too late to be seriously considered so. I had a blog back when all the cool kids had one (I stopped, but I don’t think they did), mostly because I didn’t have access to a computer for awhile. In gaining my freedom, however, I became aware of the nasty habit blogs have of becoming an inward looking mode of mass communication…something that to me felt like a cross between string of incomprehensible inside jokes and exhibitionist masturbation.

This is not what I want. Once back into the blogosphere I incourage, nay require, community participation. It is my intent to use this medium to allow the people around me, at first my friends and later perhaps a larger audience, to have a place where open discussion and a free trade of ideas is sought after and found.

Perhaps this is the wrong medium. The “newest and best” is often really just “newest.” If this is so…well…I guess we’ll find out.

But I intend for us to find out.

3 Responses to “Blogosphere Manifesto”

  1. The Doge Says:

    Hear hear! Let the ideas and discussion flow like wine!

  2. redbaerd Says:

    I’m sipping my early sunday morning coffee as I read your post and now I’ll lift the beautiful caffinated to my lips in a series of toasts:

    – here’s to Toph’s return to the blogosphere.

    – here’s to open discussion and good ideas growing better.

    – here’s to a prety sweet template.

    – here’s to flowing wine, flowing coffee, and flowing conversation!

    – here’s to manifestos. the world needs more of them!

    Yes the media shape us, but we can be subversive. We can reshape them. I can imagine a beautiful future moment when phones cease to be synchronous mechanisms. They just become devices for sending and receiving audio messages. The words: “phone tag” disappear from our lexicon, and people develop the capacity to leave articulate, formal witty verbal poems that remind one of a courtly letter sent through a page in the days of yore.

    I have a dream that one day all of our blogs will be conversations, a long dinner party we can return to over and over angain for sustenance in the middle of our burdensome schedules.

    – Here’s to “I think, therefore…”

  3. Kristy O Says:

    i am honored. as a link on your blog, which i am certain will have wonderfully thought provoking musings at just the time when they are needed, i promise to blog more- to be in conversation with you. i promise for a weekly post. or at least bi-weekly. let’s be more realistic with that and just say bi-weekly. and to make you aware of the addiction i suffer from. myspace. you can find me through emperor brian’s site. that crazy friend of yours. i hope all is well with you, and with danielle. peace, friend. kristy O.

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